Cloud Hosted Desktops And Its Benefits - Safe And Secure

We all ignore the cloud and cloud based solutions at our own peril. If we do carry on ignoring it, our rivals will not; and ultimately they will be the ones that reap the advantages of lower costs and increased security in their IT. Quite simply, they're going to become more competitive and better managed and we will lose out.

The new cloud strategy has just been published by the EU Commission and makes it very clear that the cloud is an opportunity for all. The Commission aims at "enabling and facilitating quicker adoption of cloud computing throughout all sectors of the economy which can cut ICT costs, and once combined with new digital business practices, will boost productivity growth and jobs" The EU is convinced that this will happen, and is asking on the general public sector to use its buying power to drive down prices and drive up standards for everyone's benefit.

But while the European Commission tells us what it wants us to try and do, it doesn't tell us the way to do it - or the way to guarantee we do it right. This has been left to our own information Commissioner in his own new publication, a guide on the use of cloud computing. What the ICO is most concerned about, of course, is cloud computing and information protection. However study after study shows that concern over compliance is amongst some of the largest blocks to using the cloud. Get that right and we will move to the cloud, with every one of its cost advantages, with confidence.

The ICO's message, however, isn't merely 'go ahead'. He starts with one statement of law: we are not to contract out our responsibility for the information we own, we can contract out the storage, but not the liability. It remains our data and our responsibility. That said he then goes on to clarify how we are able to satisfy our obligations and absolutely central to this is the contract with our cloud provider.

If we get the contract right, we are able to be both secure and compliant within the cloud, which means having everything up front, clear and immutable, a contract where the terms are clear and secured, and won't be randomly changed by the provider. Cloud hosted desktops are one answer. They supply one straightforward secure service which will allow you to do what the European Union needs in the way that the ICO demands; and where you'll reap the complete benefits of cloud computing in safety while saving money too!

Many businesses have already moved ahead successfully without the direct costs implicated by purchasing their own hardware and software licensing and the headache of controlling their infrastructure. Don't get left behind, cloud hosted desktop solutions are the way forward.

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