Making Money in Your Business has Become Easier

If you are not getting profit in your business that means, you are doing something wrong. What I'm saying here, if you really get it- I think you'll never struggle for money in your life again.

Making money is easy- but I am not saying it doesn't involve work. But it is true that in this process your struggle will be reduce, when you understand the flow of money and how to create income on demand, automatically your income will increase.

Here's the way this post got inspired:

The other day I was in an airport, and got talking to a speech pathologist, who was traveling through Costa Rica with some friends for the next month or two. After few minutes, she asked me about my livelihood, and I simply chose to let her know the truth. I answered "I am a drug dealer".

She got nervous, and then I laughed and said" I was just kidding". What I do is EVEN better - I get paid to live like I want all day.

Then we began to talking about economics, the government, the Federal Reserve System, and how the internet and instant communication fits into the future of the world. About few minutes it became very clear to me and realized that I had NO Clue about "how the flow of money worked in the world".

Really I was unable to make income on demand until I learned how the flow of money worked, and once I understood it worked - I got free from senseless thoughts that were keeping be back from creating what I wanted to make in my life.

If you are an employee and work hard, guaranteed will able to receive a set wage as long as you have a job. But mostly employee don't think that "where the money for that wage comes from".

1- Money changing hands from one to another.

2- Profit is being produced from the difference between cost of product and revenue generated.

3-after pay the workers some left over for the owner. (Otherwise, you aren't going to have that job for long)

Now I am telling the most important points- which is the KEY indicator of a successful business:


I worked REALLY HARD, when I was in Amway.bit I couldn't understand that working hard has nothing to do with how much money you make. Now I just make you understand in more detail.

The formula is: Person x has money, and he gives it to Person y in exchange for something which he wants. And to get money from person x, person y doesn't have to actually be involved in that process.


No- in fact, how hard you work has nothing at all to do with how much money you are going to have in your life - how much money you're going to have has literally only one key factor - how many people give you money, how much they give you, and what your profit margins are after you pay for everything.

Although there are different ways to getting money with the legal manner, but we are discussing about The BEST Way of Money getting In the History of the World:

Just simple - find such a people who actually want to buy a product with high profit margins and repeat purchases. And then find out the best way to sell it to this people without involving in the process at all.

we are discussing about The BEST Way of Getting Money in the History of the World. The interesting things in this method you can make Money without doing anything.

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